NATURAL EXFOLIATOR & CLEANSER: It is 100% natural and it acts as a smooth exfoliator. It also has anti-bacterial property which helps you to get rid of the bacteria and removes dirt and excess oil from the pores.
PREVENTS AGEING AND WRINKLES: It has anti-aging property and prevents your skin from getting wrinkles by tightening the skin. By using rose petal powder, you can have younger-looking skin.
LIGHTENS SKIN BLEMISHES: They are rich in Vitamin C and stimulate collagen production which helps in lightening blemishes and making skin cells stronger.
OTHER BENEFITS: Rich source of Vitamin C, Can help relieve a sore throat, Beneficial for skin rejuvenation and acne, Calming and soothing aroma, Aids weight loss, among others
USAGE: Soak in water for a few days, strain and use as fresh rose water, Add to food dishes such as desserts or salads for sweetness and aroma, Can be used to make beverages or jams and jellies