Selected from the finest quality of red sandal wood and powdered.No other ingredients and impurity.This is not intended to diagnose or cure diseases.
Red sandalwood Powder helps in exfoliating dead cells, blackheads and revealing fresh, healthy skin. It removes excess oil, unclogs skin pores, and reduces the discharge of sebum.
Treats Acne and Pimples: Red sandalwood’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and soothing properties helps to treat acne, pimples & heals inflamed skin.
Mix equal quantity of Wild Turmeric Powder, Red Sandal Powder and Honey and apply on face. Wash it after 15-20 minutes. You can substitute Honey with Rose Water, Curd Milk Powder etc. Use this combination once in 2-3 days. You will get good result. Moreover it is the natural remedy for skin.