Contains a Khaki Shirt, Khaki Pants, Round Glasses and Khaki Netaji Cap
Contains a Khaki Shirt, Khaki Pants, Round Glasses and Khaki Netaji Cap
Contains a Khaki Shirt, Khaki Pants, Round Glasses and Khaki Netaji Cap
Contains a Khaki Shirt, Khaki Pants, Round Glasses and Khaki Netaji Cap
Be assured while buying this costume with the BookMyCostume Brand Promise. Choose from over 700 costumes & accessories. Rental feature available only on company's brand page and iOS/Android apps.
Category: National Leaders
Material: Cotton
BookMyCostume products are ideal for Theme Parties, School Fancy Dress Competitions, Annual Day Celebrations, Birthday gifts, Events, Religious Festivals, and for Adding Fun in Daily Life.