Tulsi is considered as a stress reliever in Ayurveda. This is due to its strong aroma and astringent properties, along with the adaption that is present on its leaves.
Based on studies, it has been proven that its aroma property helps in lengthening the life of a person, When a person is stress free, his immune system becomes healthier, too, and there is a small possibility for free radicals to occur.
As we all know, free radicals create toxins in our body, and this toxins might lead and become a major ailment in the future. This characteristic is the reason why they called Tulsi as the elixir of life.
Tulsi is considered as one of the best plants that possess anti-oxidant qualities. The reason behind this, it has high amount of Eugenol that helps in reducing the amount of glucose in type 2 diabetics. You can trust Tulsi to help in diabetes management in becoming active each day. It helps in killing the cells that help in producing excessive glucose inside your body.
100% natural No added preservative Controls sugar level Reduces obesity Circulate Blood pressure Have anti-oxidants qualities Increases stamina and maintain the energy levels Recommended For Improving body wellness Improves immunity Controlling sugar levels Improves digestion Circulate high blood pressure Curing cold & cough