Against Sun Damage And Wrinkles : This wild turmeric has also been a great help in the field of skin aging. The antioxidant properties of the spice contribute to preserving your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and help your skin in rejuvenating. This, in turn, gives you a younger looking skin and helps you against wrinkles.
Against Acne And Pimples : Kasthuri Manjal possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties which are proven to fight against pimple-causing bacteria. The wild turmeric can help in cleaning your pores by extracting all the impurities that your skin pores can involuntarily store. If your pores are clean then you will have a smooth pimple free skin. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory characteristics take care of the already present pimple and acne on your skin.
Against Spots And Marks : Pimples and acne can leave back stubborn marks and spots on your skin that can take ages to fade away. Kasthuri Manjal is proven to treat such marks and lighten them. Regular application of this herb can help your skin eliminate those marks very soon.
For Skin Whitening : Apart from the daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, you need to do a lot more to achieve that flawless, glowing skin. The atmospheric conditions play a major role in hampering your skin. With exposure to air pollutants, makeup products, and the sun eventually the skin loses the luster and health automatically. Kasthuri Manjal is a herb that has the property to bring back the glow on your skin and cure commonly occurring skin issues.