Treat acne and pimple: Neem contains margosic acid which kills the pimple causing bacteria leaving a clear skin.
Moisturizes skin: Not many people know about the moisturizing properties of neem but, nonetheless, neem helps in getting rid of dryness of the skin without making it oily, thus giving a very balanced effect.
The vitamins and fatty acids in neem improve and maintain the elasticity of the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This make you and your skin look rejuvenated and youthful.
Comes with Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, and Anti-viral properties. It Enhances Blood Circulation, detoxifies liver and regulates Blood pressure.
Neem proves to be a miracle for skin and scalp. Neem has anti- fungal and anti- bacterial properties, and rich in Vitamin C , which is a boon for people with sensitive or oily skin.