>Known to Sooth Sunburn : With anti-inflammatory and cooling properties, Aloe Vera is the perfect remedy for sunburned skin. It provides a protective layer to the skin which helps retain moisture. Aloe is also rich in antioxidants and minerals which can help speed healing.
>Helps Fight Aging : As it is rich in vitamins C and E and beta carotene (a pre-cursor to vitamin A), Aloe may have some anti-ageing qualities. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and its known for its ability to lighten blemishes, also it take years off your face.
>Lighten Blemishes : Because of its soothing effects, it adds to speed up skin cell reproduction, fight inflammation and reduce redness, Aloe Vera is a great natural home remedy ingredient for acne scars and stretch marks. With some added lemon juice, it may also help lighten age spots and freckles.
>Promote Healthy Hair Growth : Aloe Vera may help activate new hair growth by increasing the blood circulation to the scalp, and delivering several important vitamins and minerals. It contains proteolytic enzymes which is know to support repair dead skin cells on the scalp.