Glycerin is one of the oldest and most common ingredients that can be found in almost any household. It is one of the most effective ingredients to treat dry and dehydrated skin.
Glycerin, also known as glycerol.It is a thick gelatinous, sweet tasting, odorless liquid that is used in a variety of cosmetics like creams, moisturizers, shampoos and conditioners. Apart from facial skin, glycerin can be used on lips as well to keep dryness at bay.You can replace those expensive lip balms with glycerin and have naturally soft lips.So, without much ado, let us see how glycerin supports our skin’s health.
1.Removal of dryness 2.Anti fungal 3.Maintains pH balance 4.Removal of dead skin
HOW TO USE- Oily acne prone skin can relieved with this glycerin face pack with neem powder. In a bowl, add some neem powder and glycerin to make the paste. Mix and apply on the face. Glycerin will keep the skin hydrated while neem which is an antibacterial will clear the pimple causing bacteria.