Galileo Gen2 Boards Console Serial Cable ttl-232r-3v3 galileo gen2 board program cable FT232RL USB TTL 3.3v adapter cable
FTDI Cable: USB to Serial , TTL 3.3v Level USB UART TTL level cable FTDI FT232RL chip, TTL-232R_RPi kable
USB UART to 0.1"(2.54mm) 1*6p female housing Standard pinout: GND (Blk/1), CTS (Brown/2), VCC-5V(red/3), TXD (orange/4), RXD (yellow/5),RTS (Green/6)
the length:6ft Support EEPROM, support Vendor ID re-write,support Mprog3.5 Support FTDI VCP driver and D2XX driver